Thursday, March 4, 2010

Self intro


Im Lindile Sonjani from South Africa, in the province of the Eastern Cape,( The former Two state presidents : Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki) were born from this province. Im interested mostly in development of both myself and of people who need to be developed.

I work for Youth for Christ Eastern Cape doing peer education and HIV prevention, and life skills iin schools and communities. I work with people for a living doing trainings, community events and projects in different rural villages. As a result public speaking, reading and schooling are my main interest.

I want to learn in the e-course not new methods, but effective skills that could allow me to be able to reach people from different cultures, beliefs and lifestyle, to be able to challenge and implement various skills from all across the globe in my country, rich with heritage, cultures and to be able to make a lasting change that other countries have been making, and to be able to share with the world the richness of my country.


"Dzana" ( This is my clan name that Im called about)